
Sunday, June 23, 2013

tassel beads

Well I have posted about all of the bookmarks I know of. Now I thought I might keep track of what bookmarks come with what beads. Some of the tassel beads are special, so I thought I would be good to keep track of them. I won't keep track of just the beads, only special ones like the One Ring for Lord of the Rings, which is sort of where it started. I hope I get them all correct. At first I would remove the bead from the tassel because it would hit agents the book I was reading, now I don't remove them.
KEEP IN MIND! Sometimes different printings come with different beads. Sometimes the earlier printings would have a special bead, but the later ones would just have regulated colored beads.
If you want to know the following sections are the bookmarks (I know of) with beads.
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars Episode 2 (mostly)
Harry Potter
Golden Compass
Disney (mainly some of the princesses)

UPDATE: I just noticed that some of the pages were nearly blank. Must have been a problem converting them from posts to pages. I corrected Harry Potter and Narnia. I will check the other pages for any problems.

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